Monday, December 30, 2019

Mechanical Engineering Magazine Presents Its First-Ever Emergi...

Mechanical Engineering Magazine Presents Its First-Ever Emergi... Mechanical Engineering Magazine Presents Its First-Ever Emergi... Mechanical Engineering Magazine Presents its First-Ever Emerging Technology AwardsDec. 8, 2017 Five cutting-edge innovators and their breakthrough technologies were recently selected as the winners of Mechanical Engineering magazines new Emerging Technology Awards. Each of the five innovators are featured in the December issue of Mechanical Engineering, as well as on innovator welches recognized in each of five categories manufacturing, robotics, bioengineering, clean energy, and pressure technology that reflect the five core technology areas that the ASME Board of Governors has identified as key fields for the Society to focus on as it develops new products and programs going forward.The Emerging Technology Award in the Manufacturing category went to Siemens for developing a prototype 3-D printed turbine blade that can tolerate the heat a nd stress found inside a gas turbine. The award in the area of Robotics was given to Mobileye for its vehicle vision system, EyeQ, a version of its Advanced Driving Assist System for autonomous automobiles that fits on a silicon chip. The Emerging Technology Award in the Bioengineering category was presented to the MIT Media Lab and its group leader, Hugh Herr, for developing powered foot and ankle prostheses that incorporate tendon-like actuators controlled by onboard computers. Tesla Motors was named the winner of the award in the clean energy category for its efforts in optimizing the chemistry and manufacturing process of lithium-ion battery packs, a development that should help accelerate the production of more affordable electric vehicles. The fifth Emerging Technology Award, in the Pressure Technology category, went to Babcock Wilcox for developing the technology necessary to enable the ultra-supercritical boiler at the John W. Turk Jr. Power Plant in Arkansas to operate at very high pressure and temperatures and at a net efficiency of better than 39 percent.We are proud to celebrate the accomplishments of those we recognize this year, said John G. Falcioni, Editorial Director and Publisher of Mechanical Engineering magazine. The current and future impact of this transformative work in the five key technology areas cannot be understated.In addition to being featured in the December issue of Mechanical Engineering magazine, the articles focusing on the inaugural awards recipients are also available on along with five new videos that highlight the award winners and their innovative work. Visit to watch the videos now.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Key Skills and Abilities of Effective Managers

The Key Skills and Abilities of Effective ManagersThe Key Skills and Abilities of Effective ManagersIn thearticle, Why Its Time to Change Our Views on Management and the Role of Manager, I underscore the renewed importance of this role in ur world of uncertainty and change. In this article, I drill down into some of the specific attributes you needto survive and thrive in this role. Workplace Demographics Driving Demand for NewManagers We are living and working through an interesting transition period in the workforce. As older workers move into retirement or opt for part-time work, younger employees are moving into positions of responsibility. Unfortunately, the pace of experienced workers exiting or reducing their daily involvement exceeds that of our ability to grow and develop new managers and leaders. There is a consistent demand across many sectors for management talent. In spite of the noise and news about machines taking our jobs, there is still a consistently strong dema nd for those with the skills to support the work of others. Management Can Be Rewarding, But It is Not for Everyone On the surface, the idea of guiding others and getting involved in hiring and employee development sounds exciting and even exotic to some. In reality, the role is incredibly demanding and completely focused on supporting and guiding the work of others while meeting the needs of your boss, your bosss boss, and other peers and customers. If you do leid enjoy conducting difficult conversations, making presentations, navigating politicsor even terminating employees, this can be a very uncomfortable role. The article, Why the Role of Manager Might Be a Mistake for You, outlines a number of the realities of this challenging role that merit consideration before you jump into it. TenPersonal Attributes of Effective Managers I believe anyone can be a good manager. It is a trainable skill as much as it is an inherent ability as much science as art. Here are tenpersona l attributes that make you a better manager You have confidence in yourself and your abilities. You are happy with who you are, but you are still learning and getting better.You are something of an extrovert. You dont have to be the life of the party, but you cant be a wallflower. Management is a people skill its not the job for someone who doesnt enjoy people.You are honest and straightforward. Your success depends heavily on the trust of others.You are an includer, not an excluder. You bring others into what you do. You dont exclude other because they lack certain attributes. You have a presence. Managers must lead. Effective leaders have a quality about them that makes people notice when they enter a room.You are consistent, but not rigid dependable, but can change your mind. You make decisions, but easily accept input from others.You are a little bit crazy. You think out-of-the-box. You try new things, and if they fail, you admit the mistake, but dont apologize for having tried .You are not afraid to do the math. You make plans and schedules and work toward them. You are nimble and can change plans quickly, but you are not flighty.You see information as a tool to be used, not as power to be hoarded. Some of the items are capable of being strengthened with coaching or training. Others are character related, and some just reflect your nature. There are many exceptions to the list as well, so if you are an introvert and conservative versus an extrovert and a little bit crazy, dont be frightened away from the role. On the other hand, self-confidence, character, an approach that is more inclusive than exclusive and a style that reflects organization with a focus on results are all absolute must-haves for success. The Bottom Line Management is a rewarding career, where you have the unique opportunity to serve your firm while supporting the development of your team members. Great managers are masters of getting the work done and masters of creating opportuni ties for their team members to showcase and develop their talents. While not every day is a party, the role for the right person with the right attitude has a great deal to offer.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Implantable Sensors Make Medical Implants Smarter

Implantable Sensors Make Medical Implants Smarter Implantable Sensors Make Medical Implants Smarter Implantable sensors have been used in medical research for measuring parameters such as force, torque, pressure, and temperature inside the human body. Although sensors and electronics have been built into orthopedic implants, they tend to be bulky, costly, and unreliable. However, microfabrication and nanofabrication technologies have now advanced to the point where wireless, passive sensor systems can be incorporated into implants with little modification to the host implant, providing unique, personalized data for each patient that can be used to optimize outcomes. ansicht advanced sensor systems must be small in size, compatible with human tissue, and sturdy enough to withstand the physical forces within the human body. They must also be self-powered and able to transmit data wirelessly. Ideal sensor systems are simple and robust, which minimizes the possibility of malfunction or f ailure. Now this kind of smart implant technology has taken a big step forward, thanks to new research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, NY. Researchers at RPI have fabricated and successfully tested tiny, wireless, passively powered implantable force sensors that can provide real-time in vivo force measurements. These sensors can measure things that cant be measured any other way in the body, indicates lead researcher Eric Ledet, associate professor of biomedical engineering at RPI. They can be used to detect healing. They can also be used to flag problems that can then be addressed before they become significant. The information from the sensors helps optimize the care each patient receives. Ultimately, we believe the sensors will lead to better outcomes, quicker return to work and to daily activities, and reduced healthcare costs. How They Work The single-component, inductor-capacitor (L-C) sensors have no electrical connections. They consist of only two componen ts, which makes them simple to operate and inexpensive to manufacture. Two flat parallel coils (which are separated by a solid dielectric) behave as both the capacitor and inductor. The dielectric deforms when it is loaded, which changes the size of the gap between the coils. This modulates the capacitance and the resonant frequency. The sensors were built with wires of various gauge and diameter. Spin coating of the dielectric achieved consistent layer thicknesses of 10 microns or less. By combining different wire gauges, diameters, and dielectric thicknesses, the team was able to construct sensors with tunable force sensitivity. The application of forces from 0 to 100N resulted in consistent and repeatable frequency shifts. The resonant frequencies were detected with an antenna and associated instrumentation. The sensors can be tuned to measure force, pressure, temperature, pH, or other physical parameters, says Ledet. They can be fabricated in various configurations down to a few millimeters in diameter and few hundred microns in thickness. The technology is so basic that simple manual fabrication techniques were used to make the prototypes. We can make the sensors easily and they cost less than a dollar each to make, he adds. Even the more sophisticated, implantable-grade sensors are still inexpensive, costing less than $20 to manufacture using batch fabrication techniques. Future Possibilities Simple, robust, and inexpensive implantable sensors hold great promise for medical procedures such as spinal fusion and arthroplasty. Being able to monitor load-sharing between implant and bone will allow clinicians to identify problems early in their development. Union can also be detected earlier, which can result in a quicker return to work and reduction of lost wages, says Ledet. Likewise, early detection of prosthesis migration or loosening by measuring micromotion between the implant and the bone may permit early intervention. In each application, onboard data storage and patient feedback technology can provide an early warning directly to the patient to prompt activity modification. The design of tiny wireless force sensors that fit easily into implants or tissues is a key factor in advancing the real-time measurement of forces in the musculoskeletal system. For example, future research may involve using multiple sensors in a multi-axial load cell to monitor in vivo loading in the spine, in real time. Smart implants have the potential to significantly impact the way we practice medicine, says Ledet. By enabling personalized medicine, each patients treatment can be optimized. The key to this is economical and robust implantable sensors. For decades, this has been elusive. However, simple passive resonator-based sensors may be a viable option to bringing smart implant into daily clinical practice. Using our technology, in the future sensors can theoretically be tuned to measure the presence or absence of specific chemicals, molecules, or biologics. Mark Crawford is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionThese sensors can measure things that cant be measured any other way in the body.Prof. Eric Ledet, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Extras Can Add Up

The Extras Can Add Up The Extras Can Add Up The Extras Can Add UpFew things can be more stressful than trying to get into the college of your dreams. For the engineering school on that wish list, you know its best to do everything you can to stack the odds in your favor. Anything extra is a positive. And that often means Extracurriculars.So which activities should you consider doing?One thing Kathleen Joyce, assistant dean for Student Recruitmentat the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University recommends is aligning yourself with good national organizations, competitions, and clubs.Getting involved in engineering clubs and organizations helps a student not only to have the experience for their application but it helps educate them about what engineering is and helps them determine if it is the right fit for them, she says. There are big national organizations like FIRST Robotics and Project Lead the Way in which students can become involved. Also, many high s chools have engineering or technology clubs.The FIRST LEGO League competition. Image FIRSTJoyce and Chris Wiles, directors of recruitment and zurckhalten at the University of Kansas School of Engineering, both encourage your own tinkering as well. Wiles gives an example. I remember we came across a student through the press who created a 3D printed prosthesis for a fellow high school student, he says. He ended up being accepted to our engineering school.Of course, even a part-time job, something many high schoolers rely on for pocket money, can be a leg up. It can work when you make it the right part-time job, Wiles says. Say, working at an automotive shop. That can actually be a huge advantage for someone in mechanical engineering. Or, if you live near a university, dont think you couldnt maybe get a job doing research for them while in high school. Succeeding in that lab most students wont have that on their resume and it will help make you stand out. Joyce says a part-job shows t hat they are developing time-management skills, a work ethic, and a certain a level of responsibility, maturity, and discipline. The process of knowing how to work and how to accomplish a given task is great preparation for engineering.Finally, seemingly non-related interests arent automatically seen as lacking focus to Joyce and Wiles, but can actually show the positives of being multidimensional. Getting involved in activities at school and in their community helps students build their leadership and communication skills, she says. Activities like sports and the performing arts, even though they arent related to engineering, help students build additional skills, such as teamwork and creativity, which are advantageous in our programs.For arts, Wiles even recalls evidence that might help your cause further. There have been studies that show those who perform music have a knack for engineering, he says. You get the right decision-maker who believes in this and its one more thing on your side.Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionGetting involved in activities at school and in their community helps students build their leadership and communication skills

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

3 Different Learning Styles

3 Different Learning Styles3 Different Learning StylesTheres a couple of reasons why its important to know the ways we process and retain information as accounting professionals, i.e., our different learning styles.One is that a Robert Half survey shows avid learners could have an edge in attaining career advancement. Another is that job training is critical for people in accounting and finance who want to stay on top of new regulations and practices. So how do you learn? Here are three different learning styles, as well as the fruchtwein effective professional training methods for each cognitive learning style.1. Auditory learnersAuditory learners take in information through listening and speaking. To fully comprehend certain details, these learners prefer to hear instructions and, sometimes, verbally repeat them.Ideal training You work best when someone simply explains verbally how to do something. When you ask questions, you further solidify the subject matter in your mind. You ma y find it helpful to look for recordings of training collateral - such as CPA exam study guides in audio formats. If thats not an option, record yourself as you read the material aloud - listening to the recording later can help you absorb the information. You can also invest in text-to-speech software that allows you to listen to notes, important emails and memos.2. Visual learnersunterstellung accounting and finance professionals best absorb information when they see the material being presented. They also often associate certain subjects, ideas and tasks with images.Ideal training Charts and graphs are your forte, and fortunately for you, a finance job is loaded with visuals. If youre studying written material, you may find it helpful to actually copy words straight from the text, organizing them as you go. Seeing the information laid out in a structured format can help you retain it. Take notes in meetings, and use symbols - even doodles - to link concepts and ideas together .3. Tactile learnersTactile, or kinesthetic, learners are doers. They can read or listen to information all day long, but for it to really sink in they prefer firsthand experience with practical applications. They take the term hands-on literally.Ideal training To fully understand what youre doing, you need to see exactly how everything works in real time as you take part in the process. So your best bet is to dive into a new undertaking while an experienced manager or coworker supervises or assists. You wont learn much when you watch someone navigate a database, so ask your trainer to instead give you instructions as you attempt to do it yourself. When it comes to studying for accounting certifications, youll increase your chances of excelling by taking practice tests.If youve never identified your own learning style or considered the impact of lifelong learning on your accounting career, take some time to think about how youve successfully retained information in the past. Or go o nline and search for a learning-style assessment. Knowing how you most effectively learn things is crucial in terms of optimizing your professional development and, with proper application, could even help you make that next big career move.Keep learningSUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER

Friday, December 6, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Resume Templates Open Office and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Resume Templates Open Office and Why You Must Take Action Today Printable pages have made life much easier and hassle-free. As soon as you have added your details and work experience, you may also save your resume as portable document format if you want. Its totally free to download. While there are a lot of great areas to receive them made on the internet or in your community, you may use Open Office to create your own In order you will not go through the second possibility, it is preferable to create a fantastic Professional Resume. You never understand how wonky a hundertprozentig doc will appear on somebody elses machine. Its going to be your responsibility to opt for the type of resumes which you want to use. The majority of resumes are written dependent on those formats. Because most hiring managers only skim each resume for a couple of seconds, its crucial your message becomes noticed quickly. Interests are important because it supplies the interviewer something to attach together with you on, and it makes you more than merely a faceless resume. Joining a group of people who are in the identical situation as you wont only remind you which you arent alone, but could also raise your network circle. Most people also list their present job at first, before starting to mention other sort of jobs that were done previously. Writing a book can be an extremely rewarding experience, even if dont have any intentions of publishing. The bibliography is an essential portion of the essay and have to follow few rules. The MLA format annotated bibliography needs to be composed at the finish of the paper. Dont use generic language. What You Can Do About Resume Templates Open Office Beginning in the Next 2 Minutes Among the prerequisites is a restart in a specific format, known as a national resume. Next ensure use of good resume keywords. You just have to click the print option, and you are prepared to fill your form or CV. OpenOffice Templates has tons of completely free schablones in a sortiment of categories whom I know youll discover useful. You can also find premium HTML resume templates within this post, which we included to provide you a glance of some of the paid options out there. These templates also provide multiple customization choices and various layouts for you to select from. Resume Templates Open Office at a Glance Should you need inspiration or wish to create a particular type of document, never fear You may include your profile photo at the very top to produce your resume more memorable. Youre able to adjust fonts and modify the colors to your liking. Therefore, in case you have a resume that isnt in an ATS-friendly format, it is probable you wont be contacted for an interview. You will likely receive a message warning you regarding the reversal of extension. 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It is possible to come across thousands of beautifully designed resume templates appropriate for practically any business and any amount of experience. Truly, theres not any reason to devote your hard earned cash on expen sive software when youre able to get all you need right in the Open Office suite. The very good news is, you generally dont need to break the habit. Look for free resume templates from companies like Google, Microsoft and OpenOffice. Theres no lack of free resume templates online.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Get hired before the weekend and join one of these 15 awesome companies (including Flatiron Health) We need gender neutral dress codes in the workdistributionspolitik. If you dont yet agree with that statement, look no fartzu sich than a 55-page presentation given to women executives at Ernst Young in a June 2018 training. pThe presentation, which made headlines last month when an offended participant a href=https// target=_blankleaked it to the Huffington Post/a, reinforced gendered stereotypes of how women should dress and present themselves at work. Some highlights, which are actually lowlights in terms of equality in the workforce/pul class=ee-ul ee-ulliA list of appearance blunders for women to avoid, including no-nos like too-short skirts, plunging necklines, bottle blonde, flashy jewelry/liliOutfit and grooming suggestions to minimize distra ctions from your skills sic set like good haircut, manicured nails, and well-cut attire/liliAdvice on how to dress dont flaunt your body sexuality scrambles the mind/li/ulpThe women, there to invest in their professional development, were not learning how to be better leaders or combat sexist stereotypes at work, but instead were being lectured to about what to wear and how to groom themselves./ppWhile the presentation welchesnt the official EampY dress code, it does highlight bias and assumptions made around gender that women have to manage. And this particular training focused only on the male-female binary. Employees who identify as transgender or nonbinary might feel even more burdened by dress code policies based on gender. /ppImagine how much more productive all employees, regardless of gender, could be, if they werent focused on avoiding dress code policing./ppTraditional gender-based dress codes can also discriminate on the basis of race. Many grooming guidelines for women, including rules on acceptable haircuts, are extra burdens for black employees, particularly those who want to wear their hair in natural styles. a href=https// target=_blankIn 2010, Chastity Jones got a job offer/a to be a customer service representative from Catastrophe Management Solutionsbut the offer was contingent on her cutting off her locs. When she refused, the company took back the job offer, and when she sued, with the help of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, she lost her case in 2013 and again in 2016, when her appeal was dismissed. /ppAnd beyond forcing women of color to maintain their hair in a way thats deemed acceptable, gender-based dress codes can also discriminate against people of certain religions. Employees whose faiths keep them from cutting their hair or necessitate that they wear certain clothing (including head coverings) shouldnt be forced to adapt their beliefs to what their employer deems professionally appropriate for a woman at work./ppThe possibility for gender-, race-, and faith-based discrimination posed by prescriptive employee dress codes has a href=https// target=_blankled the Human Rights Campaign to recommend/a that if an employer has a dress code, it should modify it to avoid gender stereotypes and enforce it consistently. Requiring men to wear suits and women to wear skirts or dresses, while legal, is based on gender stereotypes. Alternatively, codes that require attire professionally appropriate to the office or unit in which an employee works are gender-neutral./ph3Okay, So Gender Neutral Dress Codes Sound Good. What Do They Look Like?/h3pIn their simplest (which, in my opinion, also means best) form, gender neutral dress codes at the workplace can take the form of General Motors dress policy. When now-CEO Mary Barra was VP of global human resources for the automot ive giant, a href=https// target=_blankshe replaced their 10-page dress code with two words/a Dress appropriately. /ppIn the article linked above, the author explains why Barras dress code works so well She avoided assumptions, instead choosing to trust her employees judgment, which in turn empowered all employees and was particularly impactful for women. /ppFor workplaces that need more specificity about what employees can wear, HR should follow in the footsteps of other institutions that have successfully adopted gender-neutral dress codes. Namely, high schools./ppAfter a wave of protests, social media outrage, and thoughtful advocating, a href=https// target=_blankseveral schools have revamped their dress codes/a, which tended to put undue burden on female students. New guidelines apply to all students, regardless of their gender. Instead of specifying the length of skirts versus shorts or the width of a cami strap versus a tank top, a href=https// target=_blanka Virginia high schools new gender-neutral dress code/a simply defines what must be covered clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to approximately three to four inches in length to the upper thighs./ppstrongWhat does that look like at work?/strong /ppSpell out specific dress code rules by article of clothing, not by gender, use non-gendered pronouns, and make sure that any grooming guidelines could apply to anyone. Dont place burdens on anyone based on their gender, and try to empower employees to manage their own appearance in accordance with professional expectations./ppFor business casual workplaces, try this, a href=https// human-resources-diversity-and-legal-impact/355d9f064f53 target=_blankadapted from Forbes/a Employees should dress in business casual attire, which could include casual slacks and skirts, collared shirts, blouses, or sweaters. Inappropriate attire includes sportswear, jeans, and unkempt clothing, among other options. Please exercise good judgment./ppFor business formal workplaces, you could use the following Traditional business attire, including dresses, suits, and pantsuits, is required for external meetings with clients or prospects. Employees should use discretion on other occasions and are expected to demonstrate good judgment. /ppAnd for casual workplaces, which are on the risea href=http// target=_blankaccording to Indeed/a, 50% of companies allow employees to dress casually every day, as of 2019go with something simple, like this, a href=https// target=_blankadapted from The Balance/a Dress comfortably for work, but please do not wear anything that could offend your coworkers or make them feel uncomfortable. That includes clothing with profanity, hate speech, or exclusionary language. Your clothing, while casual, should show common sense and professionalism./ppNo matter the level of formality your dress code needs to define, make sure youre thinking from the perspective of all employeescurrent as well as futureand creating an environment where they can thrive./pp----/ppstrongWant to share these tips with your company? /strongShow them this handy one-page guide on creating a gender neutral dress code/p p class=shortcode-media shortcode-media-rebelmouse-image img alt=Gender Neutral Dress Code Guide class=rm-shortcode data-rm-shortcode-id=UGVL4K1574631551 data-rm-shortcode-name=rebelmouse-image data-runner-src=https// tcy8yMjEwMDE3Ni9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTU3NDc2NjEyMX0.5akget5uOA_9aHMcPUxY1YM_Zn2w2Yhcj7m_HSCqg7I/img.jpg?width=980 id=a14b6 type=lazy-image/ /ppbr//p

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hawaii Five-O stars Grace Park, Daniel Dae Kim quit after salary dispute

Hawaii Five-O stars Grace Park, Daniel Dae Kim quit after salary disputeHawaii Five-O stars Grace Park, Daniel Dae Kim quit after salary disputeWhat do you do if you find out youre being underpaid?Thats the question Hawaii Five-O actors Grace Park and Daniel Dae Kim faced when they realized they had been reportedly underpaid for the last seven years on their show.Yes, seven years.Although both Asian-American actors were maincharacters alongside white co-stars Alex OLoughlin and Scott Caan, they were being paid significantly less.They negotiated for more, but CBS wouldnt pay all the actors equally. Unable to reach pay equity with their co-stars, Park and Kim chose to make a principled stand, exiting the show ahead of its eighth season.Although Park has not made any public statements about zu sich exit, Kim elaborated on his decision on Wednesday.As an Asian-American actor, I know first-hand how difficult it is to find opportunities at all, let alone play a well-developed, three-dimens ional character like Chin Ho. I will miss him sincerely, Kim wrote on his Facebook. Though transitions can be difficult, I encourage us all to look beyond the disappointment of this moment to the bigger picture. The path to equality is rarely easy.(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)0 if (d.getElementById(id)) return js = d.createElement(s) = id js.src = https// fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs)(document, script, facebook-jssdk))A MESSAGE TO MY FANS ABOUT HAWAII 5-0Sorry for the delay in hearing from me, but like you Im sure, my July 4thPosted by Daniel Dae Kim onWednesday, July 5, 2017CBS also came forward with their side of the contract negotiations. Daniel and Grace have been important and valued members of Hawaii Five-0 for seven seasons, CBS said in a statement onWednesday. We did not want to lose them and tried very hard to keep them with offers for large and significant salary increases. Significant, yes, but still not equal to their non-Asian co-stars.Their final salary offers were reportedly 10-15% lower than what OLoughlin and Caan earned, according to Variety.Hawaii Five-O showrunner Peter Lenkov echoed CBS defense in a Twitter post, saying that the salary offers were extremely generous and that the actors had received unprecedented raises. The careful wording is what matters herbeie big raises, but not enough to equalize the salaries.Although CBS did not mentionrace as a factor in its decision, TV industry critics said that the pay dispute speaks to wider racial inequality in Hollywood.Equal pay often leads to equal screen time and equally nuanced roles. U.S. Representative Grace Meng, D-NY, made a direct link to the actors races and their salaries in her statement on the issue.I am disturbed to hear reports that Hawaii Five-O stars Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park were not offered equal pay to their colleagues on the TV series, shesaid. The entertainment industry continues to struggle with accurately portraying Asian American stories and including diverse characters. Not paying artists fairly further increases these problems by putting up barriers for Asian American performers to break through in the industry.Overall, Park and Kim faced a difficult decision we all face at different points in our careers is this job moving me forward in my skills or financially?When the answer is no, the best move for your career is to walkaway.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Keys to Staying Motivated in a Job Search

Keys to Staying Motivated in a Job SearchKeys to Staying Motivated in a Job SearchIt takes work to get work One of the most difficult things about a job search is doing all the work to get interviews, yet having to deal with the constant rejection. Did you know that less than 1% of job candidates land a job on the very first application they send out in a job search? Even when you find the dream job, there are still many reasons why you should not accept a job offer.All of this is enough to kill your motivation to job search. But you have to do it, so here are some keys to staying motivated in your job search.1. Be specific with your list of to-dosAll the advice out there that reads, Start networking or Update your resume is vague and provides no details. When your motivation is lacking, the hardest thing to do is start from a point of vague advice to get to accepting a job offer. It just does not happen. You have to be specific about what you need to doA great way to fix this proble m is to start with smaller, more specific tasks. This will help your job search become more manageable. For example, set these goalsReach out to 5 contacts a dayApply for 5 jobsFind 5 referrals to contact on LinkedIn for each of those 5 jobsThis is easy to do and usually takes one or two hours. The faster you get at doing this, the more you are building up momentum and traction, which will leave you feeling motivated to continue.2. Research your career role models and their work ethicsThere is a quoteYou are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be. - Napoleon HillIt helps to know exactly how your career role models mastered their own destiny and made their lives what they wanted them to be. If you research exactly how they did it, you are learning a method for becoming a success. At the saatkorn time, you are getting amazing ideas for your career and staying motivated by the fact that you n ow know feeling discouraged is only a temporary state of mind. It can be overcome with working harder and smarter.3. Take a break from job boards and social media (with the exception of LinkedIn)Job boards can give the false sense of hope and social media often leads to the negative behavior of comparing oneself to others.Many job boards are simply displaying content that was first posted elsewhere by someone who is on LinkedIn. So, go to the source of the job posting instead of filling out online applications. Other social media tools like Facebook and Instagram are filled with people sharing their accomplishments. Comparing accomplishments rarely leaves a person feeling motivated. We are mainly motivated by our own accomplishments.Taking a break from job boards and social media also frees up your time to do things that are more productive in-person. LinkedIn is still a great tool because recruiters use it and the discussions are largely work-related. You rarely see brag-adocious p osts on LinkedIn.3. Seek supportive and constructive criticismYour supportive friends can also be your most helpful critics. Real friends support each other by not letting them do harm to themselves. So, get some constructive criticism on how you are conducting your job search, your resume, interview preparation, outfits for interviews, and more. The former co-worker, professor, friend, or mentor who believes in you will know your full potential and how you could improve. So, ask them for some constructive criticism. And regardless of what they say, never take any of it personally.Most importantly, do not defend your actions. You asked for criticism, not a debate with people who care about your success.4. Write your career goals on paperNow is the best time to write down on paper all the things you see yourself doing in the future and what you want out of your careergoing forward. List all your dreams, desires, and needs.Writing it out, not typing it on a computer, forces you to thi nk. Writing out this checklist will leave you feeling motivated because you now have a written statement of exactly what you need and want to do.When you know what that have a direction. And having a direction can feel extremely motivating. You may even find yourself motivated to research new ideas or directions.5. Take a break every now and thenA job seeker who is exhausted by a job search goes to job interviews showing the signs of being a veteran job seeker. If you do not take a break to absorb, accept, and reflect, you will go from exhausted job seeker to exhausted interview. This combination never leads to a job offer.No company is looking to save anyone from his or her own job search. If you are burned out, it will show on your face and that will affect your ability to get work.By taking a few days off, you can refocus and better tackle the job search. The job search doesnt have to be painful and exhausting. It should be motivating and exciting Never let it burn you o ut

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What You Need to Know About Restricted Stock Grants

What You Need to Know About Restricted Stock GrantsWhat You Need to Know About Restricted Stock GrantsIf you are fortunate enough to receive a restricted stock grant (often referenced as restricted stock units or RSUs) from your firm as a joining or retention incentive, you should understand the fundamentals of this benefit. The terms surrounding the vesting and pricing of this stock grant may impact your decision-making for tax planning as well as ongoing employment. Restricted Stock Unit Grants When an employer offers you shares of the company but places limitations on your ability to access or monetize the stock, it is said to be restricted. These grants are frequently used in technology, high growth, and large established firms as a means of recruiting or retaining key employees. Common Employer Restrictions The most common form of restriction placed on these contributions by the employer is to delay access to the actual shares through a process called vesting. Consider a scenario where you are hired and offered 500 shares of stock, but vesting requires three years from your hire date. In this situation, you will be unable to touch the stock for three years. If you leave the firm before the three-year mark, your shares will be returned to the company. There are a variety of formats employers can use to pass ownership of the shares to the employee over time. What Happens If You Leave Before Your Stock Vests This point is worth the redundancy in this article. If you leave before the restricted stock unit grant vests, you forfeit the ability to gain the shares. This benefit essentially will have been worthless to you. Restricted Stock vs. Stock vorkaufsrecht Grant Both have a vesting period the difference is at the end of that vesting period. When a stock option vests, you have the option of purchasing or not purchasing the stock at a specific price (the strike price). You do not own any company stock until you exercise the option and purchase the stock. As soon as you purchase it, you can do anything you want with it, including selling it. When a restricted stock award vests, you own the stock, and you can do whatever you want with it. Which Is Better? The answer to this question is, It depends. Generally, if the stock price is rising, stock options may be preferred. You can sell both at the higher market value, but with stock options, you have not had to commit to the purchase until the stock price reached the point at which you wished to sell. Alternatively, if the stock price stays the same or is trending downward, restricted stock may be better since you own the stock. Your un-exercised options have no value, and if the share price is below the strike price, they are effectively described as under-water. The stock, of course, has some value unless it declines to zero. Tax Considerations It is possible your restricted stock unit grant will trigger a tax liability upon the vesting date, regardless of whether yo u have sold the stock or not. Be sure to consult a qualified accountant or attorney for the latest rules on the tax implications of your particular award. The Bottom Line It is important for you to understand all of the terms and tax implications of your particular benefit. Both options grants and restricted stock unit grants can be excellent vehicles for wealth creation over time. However, there is no such thing as a free lunch in finance. Certain restrictions will govern when and how you access your grant and tax implications always loom large when evaluating these employer contributions. Updated by Art Petty